Inside the Mind of a GTIA Woman - Tyeal

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Image of Tyeal Howell in our Higher Thoughts bodysuit shot by the incredibly talented, Rebekah Hazel of Los Angeles, CA

I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Tyeal at a women’s focused networking event in Los Angeles geared towards connecting like-minded thinkers and doers. The product of a goal she manifested, Tyeal was there as an inspiring panelist, and I was there representing God Thinks I Am via pop-up shop form, as part of a beautifully curated marketplace celebrating women business owners.

While there, I had the immense privilege of listening to her speak, and immediately realized that she represented the quintessential embodiment of everything a GTIA Woman is — And, of everything that represents the mantra of ‘living’ with higher thoughts . As such, I deemed the former Create & Cultivate marketing manager and now entrepreneur, abundantly suitable for serving as the woman to launch our new editorial series Inside the Mind of a GTIA Woman, in which we’ll explore the interconnection of faith and thinking through taking a look at the thought routines of creative, driven and stylish women of faith. In this space, we’ll aim to pursue higher levels of thinking, encourage faith-based imagination, and prayerfully cultivate happier, developed, stable and more confident minds, together.

I invite you to take a closer look inside the mind of Tyeal, and how she defines having ‘higher thoughts.’

Higher Thoughts’ – when you see and hear that phrase, what does it mean to you?

Higher Thoughts to me means thinking beyond your current situation, your current struggles, challenge, or opposition to remind yourself that everything has a bigger purpose. Think bigger. Dream bigger. Meditate on the greater good of yourself and your tribe. Higher Thoughts to me means that I realize my journey is not just for my own experience but a testimony to be shared with others. 

Everyone has a hygiene, diet and makeup routine – But what does your ‘thought’ routine consist of?

My thought routine starts with giving gratitude to God and thinking positive of myself. I speak life over my days. My morning affirmations include I AM statements like: I am love. I am content. I am capable of accomplishing all of my tasks. I am a blessing to every environment I step foot into. My morning prayers always begin with gratitude for another day, another opportunity and gratitude for future abundant dollar bills in the bank.

What do you do to self-develop, and become a higher version of yourself?

I journal and I pray. I seek out information on topics I want to learn more about and fields I want to become an expert in. I listen to podcasts about mindfulness and balanced lifestyles and digital marketing. I also read non-fiction and personal development books. Non-fiction helps me take my mind out of my day-to-day tasks and disconnect from reality. I also try to be consistently active and move my body throughout the day so I feel good about my physical, and I cook for myself and take the time to really appreciate the meal that I made for me. 

Do you have a favorite scripture you stand on to renew your thoughts?

I was recently reminded of the Proverbs 31 woman, and the personality and business traits the Proverbs 31 woman embodies. My friend Alyssa, founder of thebeyoutylounge developed her business off of the Proverbs 31 woman, and I think it's the perfect scripture for all female business owners and entrepreneurs to embody. A few traits of the Proverbs 31 woman are: 'A Virtuous Woman spends money wisely. A Virtuous Woman works willingly with her hands. She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her tasks. A Virtuous Woman uses her time wisely. She works diligently to complete her daily tasks. She does not spend time dwelling on those things that do not please the Lord.'

Lastly, in understanding the power contained in our thoughts, what do you intend to manifest, and co-create with God using the power of your mind?

I intend on manifesting with God a physical space for creatives to strategize their marketing techniques for their small businesses and co-create digital campaigns. I also intend on God and I creating products very, very soon. Details to come in the near future.

Bio + About Tyeal:

Tyeal is a marketing consultant and the founder of Made in Tyeal, a creative marketing studio providing digital strategy for small business owners and entrepreneurs to turn their followers into dollars in the bank. Tyeal resides in Atlanta, Georgia but her client base is all around the world. After moving from Ohio to Los Angeles, California straight out of college, she dove into the social influencer and experiential marketing fields head first. In her new chapter of entrepnuership, she hopes to inspire and elevate black businesses and bring a pop of color to social strategies around the world.

*currently promoting a 'social media basics for business' workbook on her website for $19.99

Contributed by: Alana Frazier, founder, God Thinks I Am